A Concise Bounded Description (CBD) is:
a general and broadly optimal unit of specific knowledge about that resource to be utilized by, and/or interchanged between, semantic web agents – https://www.w3.org/Submission/CBD/
This profile is a profile of the Resource Descrscription Framework (RDF) that defines what a CBD (of RDF data) is and how to test for CDB validity.
This profile is defined using elements from the Profiles Vocabulary.
This profile is part of a series of “fundamental profiles” which are generally applicable profiles for Internet-based data, see https://w3id.org/profile/. This profile’s own identifier is:
Read the Specification Document.
This profile was created by Nicholas Car, 2021, and is available for use under the conditions of the BSD “3-Clause” license, a copy of which is in this repository in the LICENSE file.
Please contact the following for all matters:
Nicholas J. Car
Data Architect
Kurrawong AI